Homemade Jun Tea

I'm just getting started on trying this out, this whole page is really notes for myself for now

Jun Tea Microbiology

Not too dissimilar from Kombucha, or really any fermented drink, but obviously there’s differences. 


  1. Prepare Ingredients: Gather a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast), green tea, honey, non-chlorinated water, and a glass jar or vessel.

  2. Make Jun Tea Base: Brew a strong batch of green tea using about 4 cups of hot (but not boiling) water and 4-5 tablespoons of green tea leaves. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes, then strain and allow it to cool to room temperature.

  3. Sweeten the Tea: Once the tea is cooled, add honey to the tea. The ratio is typically 1 cup of honey for every gallon of tea. Mix well until the honey dissolves completely.

  4. Transfer to Fermentation Vessel: Pour the sweetened green tea into a clean glass jar or fermentation vessel. Ensure it’s large enough to leave some headspace at the top.

  5. Add SCOBY: Gently place the SCOBY into the sweetened tea. If the SCOBY came with starter liquid, add that to the jar as well.

  6. Cover and Ferment: Cover the jar with a cloth or breathable material and secure it with a rubber band or string. Place the jar in a warm, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Let it ferment for around 1-2 weeks, tasting occasionally to gauge the flavor development.

  7. Harvest and Refrigerate: Once the Jun tea reaches your desired level of fermentation and taste, remove the SCOBY and reserve some of the liquid as a starter for the next batch. Bottle the remaining Jun tea and store it in the refrigerator to slow down fermentation.

Fermentation Station Homemade Jun Tea Homemade Jun Tea

Homemade Jun Tea Recipe(s)

Jun Tea Conversion:

Do it kinda slowly, over a minimum of 3 feeding cycles;

Feeding #1: 1 liter water, 2g green tea, 3g black tea, 25g honey, 40g refined sugar

Feeding #2: 1 liter water, 5g green tea, 50g honey, 25g refined sugar

Feeding #3: 1 liter water, 5g green tea, 85g honey

(the above assumes you drink or discard some amount of the volume to keep the % added consistent.  obviously pick the drink it option)

Jun Tea from Scratch:


Kombucha vs Jun Tea


The ingredients used in making Jun and kombucha are one of the primary differences between the two. While kombucha generally utilizes black tea and refined sugar as its fermentation medium, Jun is cultured with green tea and raw honey.


The taste of the two fermented beverages reflects that disparity in ingredients. While very mature kombucha can have a strong vinegar note to it, Jun tends to be a bit less acidic. Jun is generally lighter and fizzier in flavor, due both to its ingredients and its microorganisms.

Alcohol Content

The alcohol content of Jun is generally higher than kombucha. This may be due to the differences in the sugars used to culture the two beverages.

Whereas cane sugar contains 50% glucose and 50% fructose, honey only contains 30% glucose, less than 40% fructose, and about 20% of a mix of other sugars. This difference, in combination with the yeasts at play, produces a higher alcohol content.

History, Facts, Pronunciations, "Other"

How do you pronounce Jun? You pronounce jun so that it rhymes with “run” instead of like the month “June.”


Not too dissimilar from Kombucha, or really any fermented drink, but obviously there’s differences. 

  1. Prepare Ingredients: Gather a SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast), green tea, honey, non-chlorinated water, and a glass jar or vessel.

  2. Make Jun Tea Base: Brew a strong batch of green tea using about 4 cups of hot (but not boiling) water and 4-5 tablespoons of green tea leaves. Let it steep for 10-15 minutes, then strain and allow it to cool to room temperature.

  3. Sweeten the Tea: Once the tea is cooled, add honey to the tea. The ratio is typically 1 cup of honey for every gallon of tea. Mix well until the honey dissolves completely.

  4. Transfer to Fermentation Vessel: Pour the sweetened green tea into a clean glass jar or fermentation vessel. Ensure it’s large enough to leave some headspace at the top.

  5. Add SCOBY: Gently place the SCOBY into the sweetened tea. If the SCOBY came with starter liquid, add that to the jar as well.

  6. Cover and Ferment: Cover the jar with a cloth or breathable material and secure it with a rubber band or string. Place the jar in a warm, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Let it ferment for around 1-2 weeks, tasting occasionally to gauge the flavor development.

  7. Harvest and Refrigerate: Once the Jun tea reaches your desired level of fermentation and taste, remove the SCOBY and reserve some of the liquid as a starter for the next batch. Bottle the remaining Jun tea and store it in the refrigerator to slow down fermentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to use Raw Honey?  Or is Pasteurized Honey just fine?