About the Author

An Origin Story for the Ages

Fermentation Station About the Author About the Author

over 2 decades of opinions

Fermentation Station About the Author About the Author
Fermentation Station About the Author About the Author
Real review: "refreshingly conscientous ad referral blogger"

Product Recommendations

1.  Nothin’ shitty
2.  Nothin’ designed to fail
3.  Nothin’ that puts effort against “right to repair”
4.  Transparency about limitations of knowledge scope
5.  Each item I recommend was weighed, sometimes virtually through the *internet*, other times by purchasing competitors, pretty heavily before making my decisions. 


  • Generally, organic is better than inorganic, but there’s some things where you can skimp with less harm
  • Generally, less processing is better
  • Start as close to scratch as reasonable
  • Seasonal produce is way better than imported, so try and eat by that calendar, at least a bit


  1. A long-lasting kitchen implement can be way more expensive iun the short run, but is usually cheaper over time
  2. The above is certainly not always true.
  3. Third truism
Fermentation Station About the Author About the Author

Perfect balance of taste and practicality

-- Dingus