Fermentation Station

Experimental Fermentation for the Home

Experimental Fermentation

We don't ask why, we ask "Why not?"

Hyperfocus-fueled research

100% guaranteed to have consulted hundreds of sources on any given topic in a single night... repeatedly.

100% natural ingredients

High-quality products, usually organic, sometimes non-GMO, and always delicious

Hairbrained scheming

caffeine-fueled conspiracy-theory-adjacent insanity, tempered by an incessant need for notes and a drive for understanding

Experimental Fermentation

Just a dood who loves thinkin' about food

Experimental Fermentation is one of 3 main passions I cultivate, and have generated strong, relatively informed opinions over time.  This blog is targeted towards people who think a little too hard about things that, realistically, may not matter.  Organic vs Conventional feedstock’s impact on microbiomes?  GMO vs non-GMO?  How much do chlorine and chloramine in the water actually impact fermentation?  How to get just the right fizz in the kombucha every time? 

Mmmmmm, rich and creamy

Hummus! From Scratch!

Holy Shit is hummus a winner.  Absolutely Delicious, Healthy, Complete Nutrient, etc etc.  But it’s also… a probiotic!  Click to see what I mean:

Homemade Yogurt - Get Dat Chuukk.

Homemade yogurt is a revelation! Transforming simple ingredients with live cultures into a creamy, tangy delight is both thrilling and delicious. The kitchen alchemy awaits!

Mmmmmm, bread

Sourdough Bread

There are so many benefits to sourdough!  Low glycemic index!  Delicious!  Arguably not nearly as bad as normal gluten for those who have mild sensitivities! 



Garlic has so much potential.  Barely even know how to put it in just a couple words, so obviously you’ll have to click.

Mmmmmm, spice

Fermented Hot Sauce

The spice must flow, as they say


Kombucha + Jun Tea

Garlic has so much potential.  Barely even know how to put it in just a couple words, so obviously you’ll have to click.